

Due to Covid – By Appointment Only

Monday Closed

Tuesday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Wednesday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Thursday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Friday Closed

Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed


No two people are exactly alike and to this end we tailor the dietary portion of your treatment to preferences, medical conditions, and dietary restrictions.

Working with you, we will explore options and find a dietary plan that can be a sustainable lifestyle change for you. 

Dietary Plans

      Meal replacements

·       Low Calorie


·       Very Low Calorie


·       Ketogenic


·       Mediterranean




  • High protein
  • Vegetarian
  • pescatarian
  • and more

Corner Stone Wellness MD – Cornerstone is an exclusive physician monitored program utilizing cutting edge proprietary revolutionary technology and nutritional support. The program is customized to your unique body composition and metabolism to ensure long term results. Unlike short term weight loss diets, Cornerstone focuses on healthy “integrated total body composition management” with a plan that you can use for a lifetime. Options include chocolate and vanilla shakes that are gluten free and contain pea protein. Contact us to schedule a FREE Corner Stone Wellness MD  orientation to see if this is the right choice for you.

Numetra – a “state of the science” product line that was developed as the result of a comprehensive review of recent academic research. The products include synergistic ingredients that help promote optimal metabolism for active weight loss food items include shakes, soups, pasta dishes, smoothies, hot drinks and more. Contact us to schedule a FREE orientation to learn more and see if this option is right for you. 


We Also Proudly Recommend Juice Plus Products As An Organic Whole Food Supplement.

Bridging the Gap Between What We Eat And What We Need. 


Click On The Picture Below to Learn More And to Order Today

Plant Based Nutrition 

Looking for clean, effective and delicious supplements to support your healthy on the go lifestyle? Look no further. Want to learn more? Click on the logo to follow the link.

Ready To Get Started Losing Weight? Click Get Started Today . 

Want to know more? Click Physical Activity