?> Reviews -

We strive to provide excellent customer service and the highest quality treatment available. We pay attention to every comment positive or negative to ensure that your experience at Dr. Q’s Total Weight Loss Center the best it can be.

Changed My Life

I first met Dr. Quillian socially and immediately liked her and her husband, Larry-Gerard who manages the Vitruvian BodyWorks side of the business.  I noticed that they had created good habits for themselves that kept them healthy.  Yet they were still fun!  If I went to eat with them it was a no brainer–I just ordered what Dr. Q. ordered.  They got me more into fitness and I was thrilled when they opened their Total Weight Loss Center. So, I signed up to lose those 20 nagging pounds in the new year.  I’ve been seeing them weekly for 6 weeks and have lost 10 pounds.  One of the first things I learned was that it’s not just about dieting, you have to change your body composition which includes creating some muscle that burns more calories than fat.  Larry-Gerard taught me some exercises that I can fit into my daily routine to help with that.  I can do them when I’m taking a break from work while at home.  Each visit Dr. Q. does a thorough review of my progress including assessing my vitals, my weight, body composition and a brief physical.   She emphasizes tracking activity and food intake and recommends certain tracking apps to help with this.  Having started tracking, I’ve been able to identify areas for improvement.  During my sessions she recommends solutions, shares recipes, is focused yet fun and recognizes my accomplishments.  I have some bad habits, for sure.  Her motto is that you have to work with those and that you can’t tell someone to eliminate them.  She works with the person and their eccentricities.   I’ve learned that small changes make a difference and that losing weight and keeping it off is really a lifestyle.  But one that you can deal with.  Nobody likes to diet but my experience has truly been pain free and I look forward to working with them both on those last 10 pounds.   A.J.

K.F. Before and Interim Pictures, Still Actively Losing. 


Thank You Dr. Q's Total Weight Loss Center For Helping to Make My Big Day Perfect

My Goal was to lose weight for my wedding . My journey started November 2021 and ended February 2022 I reached my goal of 22 pounds but not only did I lose the weight I looked fit and toned  for the big day.   S.P.


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